Dateline Mousetalgia – Episode 94 – Virtually packed with magic moments
In this week’s episode we expose your Disney confessions to last week’s question of the week, and highlight our gratitude for the mass of virtual content we are enjoying at home, like the beautifully filmed Happily Ever After fireworks show from Walt Disney World shared straight to our living rooms, gifting us yet another #DisneyMagicMoment. Meanwhile, Shanghai Disney Resort tests out social distancing measures and park updates in attempts to prepare for a possible reopening in a whole new world. Simultaneously, the Walt Disney Company stock is officially downgraded to an A-, while our video conferencing was upgraded with a little Jedi magic disguised as more virtual backdrops, perfectly timed for every Star Wars fan’s favorite upcoming holiday, May the 4th be with you. We chat about the fun new things popping up all over the galaxy, like a new limited edition lightsaber Shop Disney store key that will be available online, the Coca-Cola once-park exclusive thermal detonator bottles being sold in an unauthorized outpost, and Disney Plus gifting us a Star Wars holiday gift wrapped up in all the films, including the latest release, Rise of Skywalker, available to binge on the streaming service May 4th. And while we currently cannot travel to Batuu, we highlight the recent helicopter flyovers allowing us a sneak peak to the large building layout for Toon Town’s upcoming Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway from YouTuber Micah Muzio’s aerial view of an empty Disneyland Resort. In additional shots we spot a covered Quinjet in the backstage area of Marvel Campus, which sparks the news of all upcoming Marvel films earning their own release date changes. To wrap up the show, we share an interview with one of our favorite Disney Instagramers @MichaelDoesDisney. He shares how he began his creative videos that sparked so much Disney magic in these uncertain times and we hear his fun answers to our past and present questions of the week. And lastly, we wrap up our show with this week’s question! Make sure to follow our instagram account @datelinemousetalgia to play along with us!