Dateline Mousetalgia – Episode 1 – Welcome to Dateline Mousetalgia!
Welcome to the first episode of Dateline Mousetalgia! In this episode, we introduce your hosts Jenn Diz and Nicole. Fans and Ears to the Ground Correspondents to the original Mousetalgia podcast, Jenn and Nicole will be here every Thursday to bring you the latest and greatest in Disneyland and Disney California Adventure news. Join us this week– Disneyland’s 63rd birthday week!– as we discuss the the new Play Disney Parks app, the recent heat wave in Anaheim and thoughts on staying cool, as well as ice cream in the parks! Plus, a brief trip report on the 2018 Pacific Northwest Mouse Meet, and word that the Blue Fairy from “Pinocchio” will be making an appearance in Disneyland this month.
Awesomeness on epi 1.
Great tips. I was in Disneyland the weekend of that very Hot Hot Hot weekend of 114° weather. I’m looking forward to the next blog and will definitely use the mobile app for ice cream and the play parks app!
Is this available on ITunes? I can’t see to find it.
We are still waiting for Apple to approve Dateline Mousetalgia. We’re anxiously awaiting for them to approve it, and hope it will be very soon!