Mousetalgia Episode 357: D23 Expo 2015, Part 1
Join Team Mousetalgia on a tour of the floor of the 2015 D23 Expo, where we’ll examine the various pavilions and attractions scattered throughout the enormous biannual Disney fan convention. We take a look at the various queues, and examine the StagePass and StorePass systems D23 has in place to attempt to ease the pain of standing in lines. We’ll visit the Disney Dream Store, Mickey’s of Glendale, and the Disney Store to see what went right in retail, and what went wrong. We visit the Imagineering and Parks and Resorts destinations to learn more about Avatar’s looming approach at Animal Kingdom and to discover many of the secrets of Shanghai Disneyland. We also talk freebies and discuss our favorite giveaways, with a special empahsis on the Animation pavilion and its plethora of artistic offerings and animator signings. Finally, we look forward to next week’s show about the panels and presentations with a quick look at the Walt Disney Studios presentation, with its surprising Star Wars news. Plus, a listener wins the Disneyland Diamond Sweepstakes – and more!