
Mousetalgia Episode 303: Touring the Disney Studio and Disney Music Group

It’s Rewards Points Week at Mousetalgia, as Kristen cashes in 15,000 Disney Movie Rewards points to earn a private tour of the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank! Listen to all the details as Kristen and Jeff describe the process of applying for the tour and discuss the tour itself. We’ll compare it with the D23 fan club tours and contrast the various features of both tours. Next, the tour reports continue as we visit Imagineering and the Disney Music Group for an in-depth look at the variety of services and musical expertise that makes up Disney’s important music department, including a look at the sorting, score archiving, album cover design, orchestrating and record label business that comprises this world-class business division. Plus – a trip to Warner Bros. studios, a walk on the Disney Studios’ rooftop – and more!

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