Dateline Mousetalgia – Episode 90 – This? or That!
Welcome to Episode 90 of Dateline Mousetalgia! We wanted to have some fun this week so we invited a few friends to join us to play a game of “This? or That!,” Disney style! First, we chat about the latest updates in the Disney Company including extending resort closures indefinitely, union concerns, executive salary cuts & construction stopping in the parks. We also cover a possible extension of the Food & Wine festival at Disney California Adventure as well as updates to the Disneyland Resort’s hotel reservation dates. We then focus on the positives including the Dapper Dans video, Magic Happens Virtual parade and new Disney+ content. We also share some of the amazing videos and activities that both Disney and Disney celebrities are creating. We end the episode with our friends Kristen Carr @thehappiestclubonearth, Scott @disneylandnurse & Shantelle @disneylandtourguide and ask them some fun questions!