
Mousetalgia Episode 437: Disneyland etiquette, listener email

Comedian and podcaster Tim Babb returns to join Team Mousetalgia this week to discuss Disneyland’s new no-parking-on-Main-Street rule, and general queuing etiquette. When is it okay to save places in lines for parades and attractions? As the parks get more crowded, are there unspoken rules that guests should follow? We weigh the pros and cons of hopping in and out of lines. Plus, we stay on top of recent listener email, with topics including making magic for others in the parks (pin-giving vs. pin-trading); attending Disneyland during Grad Nite – is it a potential pitfall, or just another day?; and helping a Walt Disney World pro make the most of an early summer trip to Disneyland. Next, we offer the top three attractions we’d each like to see receive a holiday overlay (a Halloween grand circle ghost train tour, anyone?) Also, we share our Disney secret tips, including methods for travelers with children to get to Disneyland from the airport without a child’s car seat; Walt Disney’s own chili recipe; and tips for finding hotels near the Disneyland Resort.

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One thought on “Mousetalgia Episode 437: Disneyland etiquette, listener email

  • Christine Babb (known as Crissie or G-Ma)

    Love your podcast, especially when that handsome Tim Babb is on. Fyi, Tim’s birthday was 3/23 and INDEPENDENTLY his loved ones (Mom, Mom-in-Law and lovely wife) wanted to send him to Disneyland unencumbered by anything. We all got a trip together with a caveat–can he get a day off and he had to find out 10 days before travel in order to modify if needed. He was so happy about the gift(s), that he emailed his boss that night. Everything’s a go, he doesn’t need a car seat and he has enough time to make himself some buttons. L&H Crissie


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