Mousetalgia Episode 365: Disneyland trip planning; Disney’s mid-century modern design
Mousetalgia reports on “Disney’s Mid-Century Modern – to the World’s Fair and Beyond,” a panel discussion held at the Walt Disney Family Museum with Garner Holt’s Bill Butler, historian Alan Hess, and historian Bill Cotter, the preeminent expert on the World’s Fairs. The panelists discussed the influence of modern design on Disney’s mid-century productions, including Disneyland and the 1964-65 World’s Fair. Clean lines, contemporary material and modern sensibilities influenced both Disney’s artists and the creative works they developed, and we discuss many of Walt Disney’s modern projects, including his first Burbank campus, his television productions, Disneyland’s Space Bar automat, the Disneyland Hotel, and the House of the Future. Bill Cotter also discussed the ’64-’65 World’s Fair, and Walt’s cutting-edge design for the New York attractions. Then, Mousetalgia debuts a new feature: “Giving You a Hand with the Land,” our touring advice segment in which we have callers present their unique trip-planning situations, and then we answer their questions and help plan the trip for those circumstances. Today, Michele joins the show to make plans for a reunion with a best friend sans their families to celebrate a 40th birthday. Plus – if you had to experience a single attraction 365 days in a row… which would you choose? Bonus: you could win a $50 Disney Gift Card – listen for details!