
Mousetalgia Episode 226: D23 Gaffe, Dining with Princesses

A D23 gaffe and dining with princesses are featured in this week’s Mousetalgia Emporium! First, we share some tips for taking solo trips to Disneyland, and help lone travelers make the most of their trip. Next, we talk about the state of D23, the official Disney fan club, and offer our opinions (and catch a recent major gaffe!) In our review round-up, we look at the new Peter Pan Blu-ray release, and discuss the extras that put the latest disc ahead of the rest. Kristen also talks Rosemary Clooney, and Jeff reviews the latest from Club Penguin. Next, Becky reviews the Character Dinner at Ariel’s Grotto, and gets to know Ariel and her princess friends. Finally, Jeff talks about the upcoming film “Maleficent,” and discusses reports that Angelina Jolie’s daughter is being paid well to come to work with mom.

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